Dead Raven Tattoo Supply, LLC.
Free standard shipping on orders over $200.00
(excluding gloves and liquid products)
Dead Raven Tattoo Supply, LLC., is Central Florida's premier tattoo supply and equipment company for licensed professionals only; a policy that is enforced with pride for the protection of the craft and culture of tattooing.
We require verification that all customers own, manage, are employed by, or are otherwise professionally affiliated with a licensed tattoo and/or piercing shop.
To open a new account or update an existing account, please submit all possible accepted documents below (must have shop’s name and current shop address):
Business license from the state, city or county
Health department certificate of inspection
Tattoo or body art establishment license
Individual Artist License
**Florida and California shops must provide health department certification**
Below are items listed that are unfortunately not accepted:
Tax ID certificates
Blood borne pathogen certificates
LLC certificates
DBA certificates
We understand the regulations and licensure differ depending on state and location. A commercial lease agreement displaying the commercial address and shop name is an accepted document. Please contact us at Deadraventattoosupply@gmail.com with any questions or need of assistance.
Once the proper documentation has been received, your order will ship. Thank you for your continued support of Dead Raven’s focused effort to serve the professional tattoo community.